Back when a trip to the grocery store was scarier than any horror movie, the sound of a cough could do me in. “I don’t like the sound of that cough,” I’d announce to my husband. Full disclosure, as a health care provider, even before the pandemic, I haven’t liked the sound of a lot […]
Procrastinating writing is helping me get so much done. Hey those old photos aren’t going to upload themselves. Nor are the old tax papers going to get shredded on their own. I make the bed, do the dishes, make sure the bathrooms have toilet paper, clean the dog’s ears – all to avoid sitting at […]
Now More Than Ever
If the pandemic has a catch phrase, it’s undoubtedly “now more than ever.” You’ll see or hear it in public service announcements, but also ads for any number of commercial enterprises. Frankly, it’s overused. And when a phrase is overused, it either loses its impact or has the opposite than effect than was intended. I […]
Sometimes You Can Just Be: In Praise of Taking a Walk Unplugged
Even before the pandemic, people were outside walking. But now there are lots more people walking. But not just walking, unfortunately. On their cell phones. Which means they are talking louder than they realize. They are gesticulating to someone who cannot see them (unless on a video call.) They are walking dogs but not interacting […]
Confessions of a Covid Dog
You’ve probably seen me. Around town. In the park. I’m the decidedly non-designer pet with a designer family. I am not hypoallergenic. I am not cute and fluffy. If I’m honest, I don’t smell so great either (to a human nose) but no groomer wants to take me on. Before Covid, my chances of adoption […]